Get Phrase-by-Phrase Transcript
Leveraging the unique interactionIdentifier provided upon successfully declaring the audio interaction, this endpoint enables you to instantly retrieve a detailed phrase-by-phrase transcript for the audio file provided including precise word timings, confidence scores, and speaker labels.
When this GET successfully executes, an HTTP status is returned to indicate the request was successful, along with a JSON response providing the detailed transcription output.
If an error occurs when requesting to declare the interaction, a standard HTTP status will be retuned to indicate the request was unsuccessful, along with a JSON response containing additional details to assist in troubleshooting.
Element | Type | Description |
{participant} | object | Top level for speaker label, identifying whether data in object represents speech associated with "allParticipants", "participantOne", or "participantTwo" |
{participant}/phrases | array of strings | Ordered list of each unique, non-redacted phase spoken by {participant} in the interaction |
{participant}/phraseSegments | array of objects | List of details associated with each utterance |
{participant}/phraseSegments/startTimeOffset | number | Start time of phrase (in milliseconds) |
{participant}/phraseSegments/endTimeOffset | number | End time of phrase (in milliseconds) |
{participant}/phraseSegments/phraseIndex | number | Index of phrase in {participant}/phrases |
{participant}/phraseSegments/score | float | Confidence score |
redactionSegments | array of objects | List of details associated with each redacted phrase |
redactionSegments/startTimeOffset | number | Start time of redacted phrase (in milliseconds) |
redactionSegments/endTimeOffset | number | End time of redacted phrase (in milliseconds) |
redactionSegments/result | string | Reason for redaction, will be "CVV", "Credit Card", or "Social Security" |
redactionSegments/score | float | Confidence score |