ElevateAI Dashboards
The Usage Dashboard provides key insights into the total length of files processed for each available Microservice, as well as total processing requests declared towards your monthly request quota.
All data within the dashboard and usage export is adjusted based on whether "Current Month," "Previous Month," or "Last 60 days" is selected.

Overall usage within the selected timeframe is represented at the top of the dashboard for each Microservice:

Transcription | Total time (to the nearest hour) of all successfully processed audio interactions |
Elevated Accuracy | Total time (to the nearest hour) of all successfully processed audio interactions where audioTranscriptionMode is prioritized for highAccuracy |
CX AI (hours) | Total time (to the nearest hour) of all succesfully processed audio interactions where includeAiResults is defined as true |
CX AI (words) | Total number of words (rounded up to the nearest 1,000 words for each interaction) of all successfully processed transcript and chat interactions |
Directly under the Usage by Date graph is a table containing usage within the selected timeframe for each Microservice associated with each applicable token:

Name | Name associated with the token, editable in the Manage Tokens Dashboard |
Token | Last 4 characters of token |
Last Request (UTC) | Date/time (in UTC) of the most recent audio, transcript, or chat interaction declared with the token |
Requests | Total number of audio, transcript, and chat interactions declared with the token |
Transcription Hours | Total time (represented as a fraction of hours) of all successfully processed audio interactions |
Elevated Accuracy Hours | Total time (represented as a fraction of hours) of all successfully processed audio interactions where audioTranscriptionMode is prioritized for highAccuracy |
CX AI Hours | Total time (represented as a fraction of hours) of all successfully processed audio interactions where includeAiResults is defined as true |
CX AI Words | Total number of words (rounded up to the nearest 1,000 words for each interaction) of all successfully processed transcript or chat interaction |
Based on the selected time period, you can export usage details to track specific processing length by date and token used. The export provides additional granularity when assessing and tracking usage both overall and by date for each applicable token.
The Spend Dashboard provides key insights into the total billing impact of ElevateAI usage and is only available for customers with a Paid Account.
All data within the dashboard adjusted dependent whether "Current Month" or "Previous Month" is selected. You can export usage details to see billing, overall and for each Microservice, for the most recent 3 months.
See the ElevateAI Invoicing Policy for additional information.
The Active Jobs Dashboard provides key insights into the total number of declared interactions, by file type (audio, chat, transcript) and status for the most recent 15 days.

Note: Interactions for which all data has been deleted will not appear within the Active Jobs count, but are still included in calculations impacting Usage and Spend dashboards.
The Interactions Dashboard enables you to see key parameters and immediately download available results from any audio, transcript, or chat interaction declared (including those declared directly from the application with no code).

You are able to filter results by status, sort by time declared/processed, search for a specific interactionIdentifier, and/or filter results by a desired date range simply by selecting desired configurations at the top of the dashboard and pressing Go.

Table Element | Description |
Identifier | Unique interactionIdentifier associated with request |
Language | Primary language of the file, will be: "en-US" (for North American English), "en" (for International English), or "es-419" (for North American Spanish) "pt-br" (for Brazillian Portuguese) Primary language of the file, will be "en-us" (for North American English), "en" (for International English), or "es-419" (for North American Spanish) Primary language of the file, will be "en-us" (for North American English), "en" (for International English), or "es-419" (for North American Spanish) |
Type | Type of interaction, will be "Audio", "Transcript", or "Chat" |
Status | Processing status of interaction |
Declared (UTC) | Date/time (represented in UTC) when the audio, transcript, or chat interaction was successfully declared, or the date/time the audio interaction was successfully uploaded to the No Code dashboard |
Processed (UTC) | If applicable, date/time (represented in UTC) when the interaction was successfully processed and applicable results available to to be retrieved |
Error | As applicable, additional details to assist in troubleshooting |
Action | Click icon to automatically download results:  Download AI If applicable, JSON containing detailed CX AI output  Download Text Transcript If applicable, text file where each line represents a sentenceSegment object from the punctuated transcript  Download Text Transcript No Speaker Info If applicable, text file (without speaker labels) where each line represents the start and stop time (in milliseconds) of the phrase along with the series of words spoken without pauses  Download JSON Transcript If applicable, JSON containing the phrase-by-phrase transcript |
If desired, additional details on the declared parameters (including whether an audio file was processed for highSpeed or highAccuracy) and detailed processing status can be requested from the API.
Note: Interactions for which all data has been deleted will not appear within the Interactions dashboard, but will be represented in Usage and Spend dashboards.
The No Code Dashboard enables you to upload an audio file (or leverage one of our sample audio files) for transcription and/or CX AI analysis and immediately download available results.

To begin, simply click the blue upload button to open the Upload Audio Interaction widget.
The Upload Audio Interaction widget enables you to declare any valid audio file for transcription, as well as define key parameters for analysis:

Language | Primary language of the audio file, will be: "en-US" (for North American English), "en" (for International English), or "es-419" (for North American Spanish) |
Transcription Mode | Desired transcription prioritization, will be "HighSpeed" or "HighAccuracy" |
Include AI Results | Check to include CX AI results |
Note: Transcription requests where Audio Transcription Mode is set to HighAccuracy and/or Include AI Results is set to true may incur additional fees.

See the ElevateAI Invoicing Policy for additional information.
Once the Upload Audio Interaction Widget indicates that the upload is finished , you may select another interaction for processing or close the widget. The interaction(s) will appear at the top of the table.
Pro Tip: Refresh the page to see the latest status.
You are able to filter results by status, sort by time declared/processed, search for a specific interactionIdentifier, and/or filter results by a desired date range simply by selecting desired configurations at the top of the dashboard and pressing Go.
The table format aligns with the Interactions Dashboard, and will only contain interactions declared directly from the No Code Dashboard.
Within the Manage Tokens Dashboard you are able to issue additional tokens as well as edit the name of a token, activate a token, deactivate a token, and revoke issued tokens.

All issued tokens must be activated prior to use. To activate your token, click on the red power icon located under Actions.

Token Status | Description |
Issued | Token is created but has not been approved by ElevateAI for use |
Activated | Token is currently usable |
Deactivated | Token is not currently usable, but can be reactivated at any time |
Revoked | Token cannot be used and cannot be reactivated |
Note: Free accounts include access to one API token. Paid accounts may have up to five concurrent API tokens.