Submit an Interaction
Declare an Audio Interaction


// Metadata and Explore

The use of the metadata parameter when declaring an interaction allows for the importation of additional information about the interaction which will be useful when performing analysis and reporting with ElevateAI Explore.

If the metadata body parameter is specified in a Declare for an account that is not enabled for Explore, the operation will return a response of 400 Bad Request.

// Metadata Format

ElevateAI has both standard metadata fields and custom fields. The standard fields are those most commonly found in contact center call recording environments and provide key information for identifying the details of an interaction.

Though the values of all fields will be strings when passed into the Declare operation, the values for certain fields must fit the expected type of that field.

DateTime fields must be in the ISO 8601 (UTC) format shown in the JSON example below, with the T time introduction.

The custom fields all fall within the "custom" section. The values within these entries will all be required to match the associated type: dateTime, text, integer and decimal.

The number of available fields for the custom field types is as follows:

Field Type










Custom field names are in the format custom.{types}.{type}#. For example the 8th integer field is 'custom.integers.integer8'.

Any fields which do not map to an ElevateAI field are ignored without feedback.

Following are a metadata sample in JSON format and a class specification for the complete metadata schema.
